1.25G NIC


10Gtek’s 1.25G NICs also use Intel series chips, including 82574L, I210AT, 82576, I350, etc. These NICs come in1~4 ports , supporting RJ45 or SFP slot. These cards are supporting Windows, Linux, Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu, VMware ESXi and other operating systems. 



Broadcom BCM5751 Controller


Intel 82571 / 82573 / 82574 / I210 Controllers


Intel 82576 / I350 Series Controllers



Broadcom 57810S Controllers

Intel X540 / X550 Series Controllers

Intel X520 / 710 Series Controllers

Intel XXV710 Series Controllers

Mellanox ConnectX-4 Series Controllers

Intel XL710 Series Controllers


Note :
Regarding Synology, QNAP devices support: It is recommended that you consult the official device documentation (please refer to the link below). If it supports the corresponding network card controller chip, it will work.
Synology Compatibility List:https://www.synology.com/zh-cn/compatibility
QNAP Compatibility List:https://www.qnap.com.cn/zh-cn/compatibility/

Regarding FreeNAS, UnRaid, OpenWRT, iKuai, RouterOS, Proxmox VE operating system support: Customers are advised to consult the official device support documents of the OS system. If it supports the corresponding network card chip, it will work.

1.25 Gigabit Ethernet CNA

P/N Data Rate Controller(s) Port Configure Equivalent  Driver Download
5751-GE-1S-X1 1.25Gb/s BCM5751 1 x SFP Broadcom BCM5751 Download
82574-GE-1T-X1 1.25Gb/s Intel 82574L 1 x RJ-45 Intel EXPI9301CT Download
82576-GE-2T-X1 1.25Gb/s Intel 82576EB 2 x RJ-45 Intel E1G42ET Download
82576-GE-2T-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel 82576 2 x RJ-45 Intel E1G42ET Download
82576-GE-2S-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel 82576EB 2 x SFP Intel E1G42EF Download
I210-GE-1T-X1 1.25Gb/s Intel I210 1 x RJ-45 Intel I210-T1 Download
I350-GE-2T-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel I350-AM2 2 x RJ-45 Intel I350-F2 Download
I350-GE-2S-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel I350-AM2 2 x SFP Intel I350-F2 Download
I350-GE-4T-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel I350-AM4 4 x RJ-45 Intel I350-F4 Download
I350-GE-4S-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel I350-AM4 4 x SFP Intel I350-F4 Download
82580-GE-2T-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel 82580 2 x RJ-45 Intel I340-T2 Download
82580-GE-4T-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel 82580 4 x RJ-45 I340-T4/ E1G44HT Download
82580EB-GE-4S-X4 1.25Gb/s Intel 82580EB 4 x SFP Intel I340-F4 Download