IHS said the second quarter of optical network hardware market growth of 22% qoq

2015-08-18 22:00:18

Market research firm IHS Innfoetics latest optical network hardware market, the report said the global optical network equipment hardware market in the second quarter growth of 22 percent, unchanged from the same year.


By region, Europe is the only achieve an increase in the region last year, an increase of 8%. If you press in euros, the growth rate of the optical communications market in Europe even reached 30%. In contrast, the Asia-Pacific region fell 2%. Europe achieve continuous three quarters of good performance over the past five years show that European operators ray equipment procurement downturn has ended. Alcatel-Lucent, Ciena and Infinera are among the biggest beneficiaries.


IHS noted that the second quarter of WDM equipment sales grow 23% qoq, an increase of 6%. WDM equipment accounted for 86% of the entire optical network hardware market.

EMEA is the only region with positive YoY growth for optical network hardware spending in 2Q15