The State of Cloud Adoption in India

2013-07-29 11:03:39

 There is no denying the fact that organizations based in India are considering the cloud more than ever before, as is evident by: 

     * The Government of India’s reliance on cloud computing to support expanded e-governance efforts
     * Predictions that the Indian cloud market grow more than 70% this year
     * Many of the big Indian telecom providers offering public cloud services such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)


For Indian IT professionals, cloud computing has officially made the transition from the evaluation-phase to the implementation-phase, with proven technologies and practices now at their disposal to support upcoming cloud initiatives.


Download this 4-part special report of the current state of cloud adoption in India – and get exclusive, vendor-neutral insight into the adoption trends, costs, business drivers, and use cases of cloud computing in Indian organizations.